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The emergency exit - do you know where it is?

There are more than 5000 hotel fires every year. Depending on how much time you spend travelling (the number of hotel nights), there is a chance that you might be hit.

The possibility of surviving increases if you know the evacuation possibilities. If you live in at a hotel, always check the emergency exit.

Count the rooms or the doors between your room and the emergency exit. Feel with your hand along the the wall between your room and the emergency exit and note if there are any obstacles in the way. Check the emergency exit; that it can be opened, how it is opened and in which direction. If it is opened inwards, it might easily be blocked.

Remember never to use the lift if there is an emergency.

If you are forced to leave the room it is important that you close the door. Remember to take your keys/card with you so that you can get into the room in case your normal escape way is blocked.

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Home security
1.   Introduction
Travel security
1.   Emergency Exit
2.   The Room
3.   The Smoke
4.   The Panic