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What is Escape Kit?

Many fires occur in hotels. Travellers are often very exposed as the environment is often unknown to them. The solution is Escape Kit.

Escape Kit is a safety equipment containing Escape Rope as well as rescue hood, torch, travel fire alarm, whissle and a rescue hammer. Everything is packed in a handy 8x13x18cm cover weighing 1.200 g.

If you are often travelling and if you live in places which are not known to you, Escape Kit is a good help in emergency situations which might occur.

Escape Hood
The escape hood gives you the chance to flee from thick fire smoke. The escape hood is provided with an active filter and is for single use (ca 15 minutes).

Travel Fire Alarm
This should be the standard equipment of all travellers because not all hotels in the world have fire alarms.

It is handy to have a torchin case of electricity failure.

The whistle draws attention. The tone of the whistle is many times louder than the human voice.

Emergency Hammer
The emergency hammer is important in case you have to break a window. Remember to hit the window pane in the corner where the pane is not so flexible.